When did nine-to-five and a paycheck become the only description of work? Recently Barbara Corcoran made the following comment on the television show: The View.
“I think that’s a fallacy promulgated out there. Nobody is putting women down … The women I know that have been in corporate America that made it to a certain rank, they opt out more than anything because they have good judgment. They think “Is this worth it?” No. “Is the politics worth it?” No. “Do I want to spend more time raising my family and being a good parent?” Yes. They make a quality-of-life judgment. I think that’s more of it than anything else, than guys putting girls down.”
Following her comment, there was some lively discussion. But, from another vantage-point — why is it that when I tell people I work, they often say yah, but think no.
Think about all of the women who we have met in life who make money outside of a traditional 9-5 job, i.e., the lady who takes care of dogs while her clients are working, a friend who sells and trades children’s clothes on the web to cobble money for new tires for her car, the gal who takes care of a friend’s children while she works, all of the women who raise children while working for independent companies, the coaches, consultants, and virtual assistants who have created their own companies, the not-so-retired women who have found second, third, or fourth careers, and on, and on.
Several years ago, I had an opportunity to meet with an accountant for a mini-business audit. It was a courtesy because we both belonged to a local business group. When he checked out my business records, he turned to me, with a rather surprised look, said “wow, you do have a business.” Funny how it works. If a man owns a business, it’s a business. If a woman owns a business, unless she shows her balance sheet, men think that she has a hobby.
No-one said that there had to be a glass ceiling for women. We, as women, have bought into the definition. I challenge all of us to take note of the Independent, Self-Employed Women who we work with and know. They are my heroes.
Today’s Woman needs Respect and Understanding. When a Woman says she is working, she is.
by edithsinc on August 31, 2016 No comments